Home-Made Whipped Cream

Whipped Cream

Who does not love whipped cream! It serves as a perfect icing for fresh cream cakes, adds a great start to a day when served over a bowl of fresh fruit, is refreshing over a cup of cold coffee and is also great to eaten as is! My dad always made whipped cream at home. I remember him placing a mixing bowl over an ice bath and whisking away. The results did not fail to impress! When I tasted store-bought whipped cream in the USA, I looked at Mayur and said, “This is not whipped cream! You have to taste the one Daddy makes”. I never bought whipped cream again! Fortunately, I have a kitchen aid and do not have to go through the tedious process of making whipped cream like Daddy. Do try making some home-made whipped cream for yourself and you will know what I am talking about!

What you will need:

Heavy Whipping Cream500 ml
Powdered Sugar3 tablespoons
Prep Time: 0 minutes
Total time: 20 minutes
Servings: Makes 3 cups of whipped cream

How to make it:

  • Place the mixing bowl and whisk in the refrigerator for at least 45 minutes.
  • Add cold whipping cream to the cold mixing bowl along with the powdered sugar.
  • Beat on a medium speed until stiff peaks are formed. Do not over whip or the mixture will turn into butter.
  • You can use this cream as an icing for cakes, over a bowl of fresh fruit, to decorate cheesecakes or you can enjoy it over cold beverages.

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