

Upma is famous in the south of India. In Goa we call it upit or sano. Our way of preparing upma is slightly different because we add sugar to it. It is more of a sweet and salty taste compared to the savory south Indian version. I have to be honest, this was not one of my favorite recipes growing up. But I have grown to love this dish. You know what they say, when you have something readily you do not value it! My mom would have to run behind me to with a plate of upit so that I would eat it! Now, I would give anything to have my mom make it for me!

What you will need:

Asafetida1/4 teaspoon
Curry Leaves10
Fine Semolina/Rava1/2 cup
Ghee1 tablespoon
Hot Water1 1/2 cups
Mustard Seeds1 teaspoon
Salt1/2 teaspoon
Sugar4 teaspoon
Cook Time: 20 min
Servings: 2

How to make it:

  • Add sugar and salt to water and bring it to a boil. 
  • Heat ghee in a vessel. Once hot, add the asafetida and mustard seeds. Let the mustard seeds splutter. 
  • Add the curry leaves and the semolina.
  • Roast the rava on a low flame for 10 minutes or until it begins to change color. 
  • Tip: You can roast rava in advance and store so that it saves you time in the morning while cooking. 
  • Once the rava is well roasted, add the water. Mix vigorously to prevent lumps from forming. Be careful with this step as the water is very hot and can splutter. 
  • Once everything is mixed well, lower the flame to a simmer and cover the upit for 3 minutes. 
  • Enjoy with a cup of tea! Some people love to add shev or chiwda on their upit while eating. 

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