French Toast

Click here to like! Though initially made to prevent stale bread from going to waste, the humble French toast has since found itself as the main star on many international breakfast menus. I usually hate breakfast, but when it comes to the French toast you can sign me up for a breakfast date whenever. WhenContinue reading “French Toast”

Mix Bhaaji Pao

Click here to like! If you have been to Goa and have not tried the quintessential Goan breakfast, bhaaji pao, you are missing out! Bhaaji pao is a mix of two bhaajis (vegetable curry). One made with potatoes called paatal bataat bhaaji and the other made with white peas called chonyachi bhaaji. Both the curriesContinue reading “Mix Bhaaji Pao”


Click here to like! Upma is famous in the south of India. In Goa we call it upit or sano. Our way of preparing upma is slightly different because we add sugar to it. It is more of a sweet and salty taste compared to the savory south Indian version. I have to be honest, thisContinue reading “Upit/Sano”