Shawarma Pockets

Click here to like! Once in a while, (if not often!) we all crave that yummy, unhealthy street food! For me it is chaat but for my husband who grew up in the Middle East, it is shawarma. He is so crazy about shawarma that he actually got some back from Bahrain to the USAContinue reading “Shawarma Pockets”

Whole Wheat Pita

Click here to like! It is very convenient to go to a department store and get some pita bread to make all your favorite pita bread recipes. But then you pick up that packet and see the list of ingredients that you do not recognize? Ever been to a middle eastern restaurant? I don’t knowContinue reading “Whole Wheat Pita”


Click here to like! I was introduced to Middle Eastern food by my husband who grew up in Kuwait. I absolutely love how they use fresh ingredients to make food packed with flavor! Middle Eastern food has simple seasonings, lots of herbs, grilled meats and of course, a lot of olive oil. Besides being deliciousContinue reading “Hummus”

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