Dak Juk- Korean Congee

Click here to like! Congee is simple rice porridge eaten throughout Asia. Every country has its own variation and ingredients that make it unique to that region. Growing up in Goa, I did have simple congee that we call pej as a mid day snack. But the concept of having congee for breakfast was completelyContinue reading “Dak Juk- Korean Congee”

Beetroot and Carrot Soup

Click here to like! I absolutely love beetroots and carrots. Besides being high in nutrition, they are delectable! While I was growing up, soup was a regular part of our diet with Mummy or Daddy making soup at least twice a week. Beetroot and carrot soup was one of my grandfather’s favorites. This soup isContinue reading “Beetroot and Carrot Soup”


Click here to like! The first time I had this soup was in Singapore. When you take a sip of this soup, there are so many flavors bursting in your mouth- sweet, spicy, sour, salty! Laksa is a hearty and healthy coconut based soup. This soup is served with a number of sides of freshContinue reading “Laksa”

Butternut Squash Soup

Click here to like! If I have not said it enough, I say it again, I love fall! With the nights getting colder and days shorter, there is nothing I long for more than a warm bowl of soup at the end of the day. Fall brings with it different kinds of squashes. One ofContinue reading “Butternut Squash Soup”

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