Dak Juk- Korean Congee

Click here to like! Congee is simple rice porridge eaten throughout Asia. Every country has its own variation and ingredients that make it unique to that region. Growing up in Goa, I did have simple congee that we call pej as a mid day snack. But the concept of having congee for breakfast was completelyContinue reading “Dak Juk- Korean Congee”

Kacchi Biryani

Click here to like! Biryani holds a special place in my heart. If someone asks me what would you like your last meal to be? This would be it! Biryani! My dad makes one of the best biryanis I have tasted. It would be a staple in my house for Dusshera, Eid, or any otherContinue reading “Kacchi Biryani”


Click here to like! Every part of India has a cuisine unique to the region. However, regardless of which part of India you come from, there are a few dishes whose variants exist across the board. One such dish is fried fritters. The North Indians call it pakoras/pakodas while the South Indians call it bhajji.Continue reading “Bhajji/Pakoda/Pakora”

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