Simple Til Ladoos

Click here to like! I have a confession to make. I have tried and failed miserably at making til ladoos. So every sankranthi I serve til brittle instead of ladoos. This year was no different. However, I was determined to make ladoos. So after a failed batch, I called my friend, Swati to ask herContinue reading “Simple Til Ladoos”

Shrikhand Tilgul Parfait

Click here to like! “Tilgul ghyaa godh godh bola” translates to “have some sesame seeds and jaggery, and speak sweet words”. It is that time of the year again when you will hear ladies greeting each other with this sweet greeting while exchanging “vayn” and tilgul. It is Makarsankranthi time! Back in the day, women wouldContinue reading “Shrikhand Tilgul Parfait”

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