Ribbon Cake

Click here to like! If you grew up in Goa, this cake is nostalgic! Every special event had to be graced by its presence. Independence Day celebrations, an annual day at school, sports day, a birthday party, picnics, or a family get-together were not complete without this delicious cake. It would be served on aContinue reading “Ribbon Cake”

Anjeer Barfi

Click here to like! Figs are one of my favorite dried fruits.  My mom would bring figs for me every time I went home from Belgaum or the USA. I love the figs from India that come dried on a string of some kind of grass. I do not have a sweet tooth and amContinue reading “Anjeer Barfi”

Simple Til Ladoos

Click here to like! I have a confession to make. I have tried and failed miserably at making til ladoos. So every sankranthi I serve til brittle instead of ladoos. This year was no different. However, I was determined to make ladoos. So after a failed batch, I called my friend, Swati to ask herContinue reading “Simple Til Ladoos”


Click here to like! Prasad is an offering that is returned to the devotees after a puja. Food offerings are made to God and then distributed among those present. It is believed that the offering is accepted by God and by distributing it, you are transferring the blessings to the devotees. Another reason for givingContinue reading “Doney”

Biya Pos

Click here to like! I have had this recipe on my mind for a very very long time. For a couple of years to be precise. I remember having a conversation with my mom once on which recipes she thinks are not made anymore in the Goan cuisine. I remember her saying, “biya pos”. PosContinue reading “Biya Pos”

Kangaachi Nevri

Click here to like! My mom was a working woman. Growing up lunch was mostly made by a maid. However, she always made sure she made something amazing for evening snack time. She usually would make some fusion or fun recipes she saw on cooking shows. However, my favorites were the traditional ones. Kangaachi nevriContinue reading “Kangaachi Nevri”


Click here to like! One thing I love about regional cuisine is how it manages to flawlessly incorporate seasonal food into traditions. Shravan, the month which is considered very auspicious among the Hindus has begun. With Shravan come different traditions and of course what follows are all the delicious foods and recipes linked with thoseContinue reading “Patoleo”

Belgaum Kunda

Click here to like! Kunda was a favorite at my house even before I moved to Belgaum, Karnataka to study. I remember that on every trip we had to stop by Purohit Sweets in Bogar Ways to parcel some kunda to take back to Goa. I am not quite sure if the other parts ofContinue reading “Belgaum Kunda”


Click here to like! Kann is a Goan dessert made especially for Mahashivaratri. It is eaten while fasting during most Hindu festivals. Traditionally, the whole moong was roasted and then crushed on a daatem (stone) to separate the shells. I remember my grandmother making this the traditional way. I would love to help her turnContinue reading “Kann”

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