Kangaachi Nevri

Click here to like! My mom was a working woman. Growing up lunch was mostly made by a maid. However, she always made sure she made something amazing for evening snack time. She usually would make some fusion or fun recipes she saw on cooking shows. However, my favorites were the traditional ones. Kangaachi nevriContinue reading “Kangaachi Nevri”

Makhana 4 Ways

Click here to like! Makhana is lotus seeds. We do not eat it in Goa so I was not introduced to it until recently. It is a very common snack from the north of India. It is equivalent to popcorn in the West. It is healthier though 😉 Sure you get it in the stores,Continue reading “Makhana 4 Ways”


Click here to like! Every part of India has a cuisine unique to the region. However, regardless of which part of India you come from, there are a few dishes whose variants exist across the board. One such dish is fried fritters. The North Indians call it pakoras/pakodas while the South Indians call it bhajji.Continue reading “Bhajji/Pakoda/Pakora”

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