Click here to like! Growing up, pomelo was a treat! It was a seasonal vegetable famous during Chaturthi months and I remember eagerly waiting for the matoli to be dismantled on the night of Ganapati Visarjan to taste the pomelo I spent the prior 2 days staring at. We never had it in any recipeContinue reading “Yum Som O”
Category Archives: Quick Appetizing Bites
Chicken Fingers
Click here to like! When it comes to parties, it is tough cooking everything on the same day. For me, the toughest part is getting something on the menu that kids will like. Yes, you can buy store-bought chicken nuggets or order a pizza, but where is the fun in that? I remember my dadContinue reading “Chicken Fingers”
Vermicelli Upma
Click here to like! I am not a big fan of upma. However, Vermicelli Upma is different! It is light, easy to make, and tastes delicious! I am not sure how I came up with this recipe or where I got the inspiration from but I can remember making it for as long as IContinue reading “Vermicelli Upma”
Click here to like! Shev is a versatile Indian snack that is great on its own or goes well with chaats. One of my favorite shevs is that from Goa which is slightly different from the ones made in the rest of India. The shev is made with “tarvoli mirsango” or spicy chilies. No functionContinue reading “Shev”
Namak Para
Click here to like! Though shankarpali is more famous, for a few of us who do not like sweet treats as much, namak para is the savory cousin. The best thing about this recipe is that you can customize it with spices and herbs of your choice. I used kalonji and ajwain here, however, youContinue reading “Namak Para”
Beet Arugula Salad
Click here to like! I love beets! Arugula and beet salad is one of my favorites. I usually serve this as part of the meal with some protein. However, it is a great side to make during house parties. You can also prep this ahead of time as the beets can be stored for atContinue reading “Beet Arugula Salad”
Click here to like! Shankarpali or shakkar para, is a sweet fried dough snack. You will rarely find anyone that does not like this sweet treat. I have come to find that there is a similar version of this in Africa as well that uses eggs, similar to the Goan kulkuls. I remember this beingContinue reading “Shankarpali”
Chicken Satay
Click here to like! Chicken satay is always on the table when Mayur and I eat Thai food! This simple barbecue dish is famous all over Asia, be it Singapore, Thailand or Malaysia. However, did you know that this dish is actually Indonesian? Just like the famous Kebabs of India which have Middle Eastern roots,Continue reading “Chicken Satay”
Meat Samosa
Click here to like! Samosas are a much loved appetizer all across India. However, what sets the Goan samosa separate, is the meat filling. Meat samosa are popular with Goans, be it after a laadin (prayer at a cross), picnics or just because. My Anil Kaka used to make really good mutton samosas. I rememberContinue reading “Meat Samosa”
Click here to like! Ganesh Chaturthi is coming up soon. That means normally preparation would have already begun for making sweets and snacks. This year due to COVID-19, Chaturthi will not be the same. It may mean fewer family members being able to celebrate together. It will not be that grand a celebration with peopleContinue reading “Panchkhaje”
Summer Rolls
Click here to like! Summer rolls are a favorite in my house and a regular dinner. They are fresh, flavorful, crispy, a little chewy due to the rice paper… in short, perfect! It is a great way to have a balanced meal as it includes vegetables, fruits, starch and protein in every bite. Originally fromContinue reading “Summer Rolls”
Makhana 4 Ways
Click here to like! Makhana is lotus seeds. We do not eat it in Goa so I was not introduced to it until recently. It is a very common snack from the north of India. It is equivalent to popcorn in the West. It is healthier though 😉 Sure you get it in the stores,Continue reading “Makhana 4 Ways”
Shabhutandlacho Chiwdo
Click here to like! Chiwda is a popular Indian fried teatime snack. The chiwdas in Goa differ from most of India in that they are sweeter. Sabhutandlacho Chiwdo is one of my mom’s specialty. I love the crispiness of this chiwda and its sweet salty taste. It was made during Diwali in my house. IContinue reading “Shabhutandlacho Chiwdo”
Simple Chicken Salad
Click here to like! This is one of Mayur’s favorite salads and maybe the only salad he eats without making a fuss about it! If you cannot tell yet, he is averted to anything healthy! LOL. Chicken Salad is a versatile dish in my option. It can be eaten as is, used as a stuffingContinue reading “Simple Chicken Salad”
Goan Style Prawns Baskets
Click here to like! Prawns or Shrimp are my all time favorite seafood. I like it in any form. We have a farmer’s market here that gets prawns just during the summer time. So I like to stock up on them, make balchao (prawns pickle), curries, fry them… Oh! The best 4 months of theContinue reading “Goan Style Prawns Baskets”
Rose Flavored Yogurt Bowl
Click here to like! Yogurt bowls are not just trendy but beautiful to look at too! They can be a healthy dessert or breakfast! You can decorate and flavor them according to your favorite fruits. It is the Memorial Day weekend, hence, I decided to dedicate this dessert to the heroes who did not hesitateContinue reading “Rose Flavored Yogurt Bowl”
Breakfast Arepa
Click here to like! Arepa is a Colombian breakfast bread. It is made with precooked corn meal and can be stuffed or topped with a filling of your choice. These are very quick and easy to make, and look and taste delicious! The first time I ate arepas was in New Mexico at a smallContinue reading “Breakfast Arepa”
Cheese Bread Rolls
Click here to like! Cheese bread rolls are a quick and easy recipe. It is a perfect tea-time snack. Bread is stuffed with spicy paneer and cheese stuffing, and shallow fried until crispy. It will definitely be a hit with your kids! What you will need: Prep Time: 10 minutes Cook Time: 10 minutes Serving:Continue reading “Cheese Bread Rolls”
Click here to like! My husband grew up in the middle east and that is why I have a special place in my heart for middle eastern food. It is healthy, colorful, and delicious! I try my best to make sure I cook this cuisine for him so that he feels connected to the placeContinue reading “Manaqish”
Mango Chia Shooters
Click here to like! I can proudly say that I do not have a sweet tooth! Sugary foods make me sick to my stomach. Yet, I love to bake for all the sugar loving friends and family of mine. But once in a while if I do crave something sweet, I like to make somethingContinue reading “Mango Chia Shooters”
Pizza Base Without Yeast
Click here to like! Who does not like pizza? A poor man’s food turned into a global favorite! Pizza is a perfect meal if you have friends over and do not want to spend a bunch of time in the kitchen. It is a hit among all kids! Besides, you can make it home andContinue reading “Pizza Base Without Yeast”
Mango Leather/Saath
Click here to like! Fruit leather is a favorite among all kids. However, I despise the sugary fruit leather sold in the market. When we were kids, we ate fruit leather made purely of fruit. It is the tradition that is still carried on in Goa. The main fruit leathers of Goa are the sweetContinue reading “Mango Leather/Saath”
Click here to like! Every part of India has a cuisine unique to the region. However, regardless of which part of India you come from, there are a few dishes whose variants exist across the board. One such dish is fried fritters. The North Indians call it pakoras/pakodas while the South Indians call it bhajji.Continue reading “Bhajji/Pakoda/Pakora”
Click here to like! I was introduced to Middle Eastern food by my husband who grew up in Kuwait. I absolutely love how they use fresh ingredients to make food packed with flavor! Middle Eastern food has simple seasonings, lots of herbs, grilled meats and of course, a lot of olive oil. Besides being deliciousContinue reading “Hummus”
Ukkodilli Bhikna
Click here to like! I believe much of my love for fresh food and new ingredients comes from my mother. She is always on the lookout for different kinds of fruits and vegetables when she shops and travels. She instilled in me a curiosity for new ingredients and cooking them in the simplest of ways. TodayContinue reading “Ukkodilli Bhikna”
Click here to like! Chakri is a famous Indian snack! The chakri in Goa is a little different from the rest of India. While the rest of India enjoys savory chakris, we Goans like our chakri a little on the sweeter side. We also add our beloved coconut and jaggery which enhances the taste ofContinue reading “Chakri”
Tikshe Fov
Click here to like! Diwali in Goa is all about different varieties of beaten rice. During Diwali, the markets are flooded with different kinds of beaten rice from red beaten rice to puffed beaten rice (fulayille fov). No Diwali faral is complete without tiskshe fov! This spicy, sweet, crispy treat is loved by adults andContinue reading “Tikshe Fov”
Mushroom Stuffed Mutlyo
Click here to like! This is another recipe that was invented for the mystery box challenge at Traditional Goan Foodies! I managed to use all 5 mystery ingredients in this recipe – green chilies, plantains, star anise, mushrooms and kokum. Mutlyo is a Goan snack which is made with parboiled rice covering and usually aContinue reading “Mushroom Stuffed Mutlyo”
Kelyache Fov
Click here to like! This recipe was invented for a mystery box challenge in one of my favorite facebook groups, Traditional Goan Foodies! I managed to use 4 out of the 5 mystery ingredients in this recipe – green chilies, plantains, star anise and tamarind. I absolutely love plantains and they are so much healthierContinue reading “Kelyache Fov”
Click here to like! Churmo! Ah! The name itself makes my mouth water! Be it Diwali or Ganesh Chaturthi, one thing I always asked Mummy to make was churmo. I have tried churmo made with cornflakes, the ones sold in stores, the ones made by my relatives and then there are the quick versions. However,Continue reading “Churmo”
Spiced Chicken Nuggets
Click here to like! Kids, now a days, love chicken nuggets. I hate processed food. The amount of salt and harmful chemicals used to preserve this kind of food makes me cringe. That being said, I have a husband who loves everything that is unhealthy and processed. When I married him, I remember the freezerContinue reading “Spiced Chicken Nuggets”
Chicken Lollipop
Click here to like! Indo-Chinese food is an Indian take on Chinese and is a popular street food throughout India. If you ask a Goan what is their favorite Indo Chinese food, I can tell you that there will mostly be only two answers “Chicken Lollipop” or “Chili Chicken”. Daddy would make chicken lollipop atContinue reading “Chicken Lollipop”
Godh/Sakhricho Chiwdo
Click here to like! A Goan Diwali is not complete without “fov” or beaten rice. The uniqueness of a Goan Diwali lies in the different kinds of preparations made from “fov”. Besides making fresh beaten rice recipes, Goans also make dry recipes ahead of time to serve to their guests during Diwali. One such recipeContinue reading “Godh/Sakhricho Chiwdo”
Click here to like! It is already time for Diwali, the festival of lights! People in Goa start preparing for this festival soon after Dusshera. The highlight of Diwali is the “faral” or different snacks that are served to guests. Chiwda (called chiwdo in Konkani) is a sweet and savory snack made with fried flatContinue reading “Chiwda”
Mini Dahi Wada
Click here to like! My husband asked me if dahi wada was dessert or an appetizer. Truly, I am not sure. It is a popular street food so it can come under the category of chaat. However, I also remember eating it at the end of a meal at weddings so I guess it couldContinue reading “Mini Dahi Wada”
Click here to like! Sanoriyo is a long-lost Goan recipe which I am trying to revive. When you think of parathas you usually think of North India. Parathas are stuffed flat bread and are a popular breakfast item in North India. Turns out Goa had its own take on parathas. Of course, we had toContinue reading “Sanoriyo”
Plantain Cutlets
Click here to like! Plantains belong to the banana family. They are rich in fiber, nutrients and minerals. Unlike bananas, plantains are usually infused with savory flavors. I, personally, do not like potatoes. Hence, I keep looking for substitutes for potatoes in my recipes. Growing up cutlets were one of my favorite tea time snack.Continue reading “Plantain Cutlets”
Mutton Seekh Kabab
Click here to like! Summer time is the time to get out those barbecue grills! Growing up we had a charcoal barbecue grill and Daddy was the pit master! The aroma and smokiness that coal imparts to the grilled meats is so delightful and still reminds me of those days! My husband, Mayur, grew upContinue reading “Mutton Seekh Kabab”
Gavaanchi Bhakri
Click here to like! Gavaanchi Bhakri is a thick pancake made with bulgar wheat and wheat flour especially during a fast in Goa. Traditionally, this bhakri was made by laying a banana leaf on the pan first and then spreading the dough on top of it. Banana leaves are believed to have great health benefits,Continue reading “Gavaanchi Bhakri”
Palm/Loutolim Biscuit
Click here to like! Palm Biscuit, Palmier, Elephant Ears, or Loutolim Biscuit… You may call it whatever you please. But one thing that all, young and old, will agree on is that this biscuit is delicious and irresistible. I grew up calling this “Loutolim biscuit” because my parents would always get these biscuits from aContinue reading “Palm/Loutolim Biscuit”
Kangaanche Ghons
Click here to like! Kangaache Ghons are noodle or nest like papads made with local Goan sweet potatoes, called kangaa. These sweet potatoes have a starchy texture and have few strings in their flesh. They are key to making this recipe because other types of sweet potatoes may have a stringy texture which interferes withContinue reading “Kangaanche Ghons”