Biya Pos

Click here to like! I have had this recipe on my mind for a very very long time. For a couple of years to be precise. I remember having a conversation with my mom once on which recipes she thinks are not made anymore in the Goan cuisine. I remember her saying, “biya pos”. PosContinue reading “Biya Pos”

Kangaachi Nevri

Click here to like! My mom was a working woman. Growing up lunch was mostly made by a maid. However, she always made sure she made something amazing for evening snack time. She usually would make some fusion or fun recipes she saw on cooking shows. However, my favorites were the traditional ones. Kangaachi nevriContinue reading “Kangaachi Nevri”

Kangaachi Kheer

Click here to like! Kangaachi Kheer is made popularly during fasts in Goa. It is made with sweet potato cooked in coconut milk. This simple dessert is satisfying. With Shravan around the corner, this might be the perfect dessert to replace your meal.  What you will need: Prep Time: 15 minutes Cook Time: 20 minutesContinue reading “Kangaachi Kheer”

Toranche Godh Lonche

Click here to like! Godh lonche was made every year by my granny during the summer. I remember all my aunts were assigned a different task by her. One would peel the raw mangoes, while the other sat on the adoli to cut them.  One would be getting the masalas ready and the other crushingContinue reading “Toranche Godh Lonche”


Click here to like! Pithi is a simple dish made with horsegram during monsoons in Goa. It is supposed to have many health benefits. However, this dish is getting extinct with time. I have to be honest! I was never a big fan of pithi. Having it seemed like a punishment in my childhood! However,Continue reading “Pithi”

Kholaantle Aambade

Click here to like! Hog Plum, known as “aambade” in Goa, is a sour fruit that grows in bunches. These are usually in season during the monsoons and through the beginning of winter. Recipes made from aambade are on the menu during Ganesh Chaturthi and Diwali. We Goans love to enjoy our fruits even whenContinue reading “Kholaantle Aambade”

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